What We Do

Our engaging assemblies, workshops, and services empower your students, faculty, and parentsWe are a one-stop shop for interactive, theatrical, and age-appropriate anti-bullying services! 

Our Offerings:

School Assemblies

Our dynamic live theater productions tackle bullying prevention in a fun and impactful way.  These interactive assemblies, with several age-appropriate versions available, perfectly complement your existing bullying prevention initiatives.

Parent Workshops

Empower parents to understand bullying prevention and support their children. Our interactive parent workshops provide parents with the knowledge and tools they need to create a safe and supportive home environment and to advocate for their children.

District Tours

Looking to bring Box Out Bullying’s impactful programming to your entire district or multiple schools across your district? Say no more! Our district tour options offer a customized, cost-effective way to reach a broad audience of students and staff.

Classroom Workshops

Our interactive classroom workshops equip students with the skills to be upstanders and create a safe and inclusive school environment.  We offer age-appropriate workshops tailored for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Faculty PD

Equip your educators with the tools and strategies to foster a safe and inclusive school environment. Our professional development programs will help educators identify bullying, implement effective prevention strategies, and create a culture of kindness and respect in their schools

Online Shop

Support a positive school culture! Browse our selection of resources, including: customizable t-shirts, hoodies, and polos, posters and banners, wristbands and other wearables, curriculum materials and lesson plans, Box Out Bullying Tour merchandise and more!